Rare DVD movies, vintage tv specials, classic films & tv series


Item# newitem627918030

Product Description

Toby Marino (Tony Anthony) is a young Italian-American high school football star who comes from the wrong side of the tracks. He's irresistible to women and belongs to a tough gang of beatnik greasers called the Eagles who hang out at a very cool dive bar decorated with voodoo masks. The trouble starts when an old flame from a rich family, named Bunny Reese (Teri Hope), comes home from college and sets her hooks into Toby. She's brought along a stuffy friend named Phil (Jody McRea), who is being wooed by her father for a position in his company. Bunny invites Toby to a country club dance, but he stops along the way at the Eagles club and ends up punching out his best friend Georgie. Toby finally arrives at the dance where he immediately displays the huge chip on his shoulder and gets into arguments about social standings with Bunny and Phil. Ann, one of Bunny's snooty friends, really lays into Toby, and he dumps a tray of drinks at her feet. He makes up with Bunny and Phil and they all head off to the Eagles club for some kicks.